Put into the correct active or passive form. She promised him a book. All downloads are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your. INTRODUCTORY NOTES.
English grammar practice exercise , upper - intermediate level. This exercise focuses on the past passive tenses.
Exercise instructions. Example sentences first and then an exercise working on active and passive . The sentences below are . All worksheets are in PDF format and can be viewed and printed on all. Worksheets are divided into B(Intermediate) Band B( Upper - Intermediate ) Blevels.
Moodle Website and get a FREE account for more exercises and practice at. Includes free worksheet download for ESL class. Do you know how to use the passive voice to change the focus of a sentence?
Try this exercise to test your grammar.
Lots and lots of practice exercises for the passive in English. When rewriting active sentences in passive voice , note the. In this exercise , make the passive sentences active.
Level: upper intermediate. Use the agent and keep the same tense ! Below, you will find exercises for various uses of the passive voice. Thousands of grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening and exam prep exercises. Students get instant feedback at the click of a button: a grade for each exercise.
Practice Upper Intermediate. Andadvanced - as Word Doc. PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Igetl higher , everything. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
Britney wore a big hat and a pair of sunglasses to . In English, we can express sentences in two different ways: active voice and . This PowerPoint can work as an exercise to internalize passive voice. Active and passive forms. It is suitable for elementary to pre- intermediate ESL students learning about process. ANSWER KEY on Page 2.
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